A letter to future students of the SYUCT
Dear students:
On behalf of International Education School of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, We would like to thank you for your application to our university and cooperation during this special time.
As we all know, China and many other countries in the world are experiencing a crucial period due to the ongoing battle against the Coronavirus. Since the beginning of the outbreak in Wuhan, the Chinese people and the Chinese government have put in great effort to contain this new virus and we put people’s safety as our priority. The situation is getting better, the number of patients is dropping and the recovery rate is rising.
However, as there is still no effective medicine or vaccine to cure this new disease, and the new coronavirus has spread to many countries in the world, the risk of getting affected is still high. Especially when people travel from continent to continent and transfer at different countries.
Therefore, for the safety of our students, the school currently in a lockdown. New students are not allowed to come to China before further notice from the immigration and education departments.
If your visa expired during this period, the school and the immigration office in Shenyang will try our best and provide all documents you need to help you to have valid visa again.
Thank you for your patient and we look forward to seeing you in Shenyang.
For any problems please contact us:
Contact Information:
Contact person and number: 0086-24-89381026 (School Office)
0086-14702422792 (Mr Yang Bo) 0086-15040311400 (Mr Wang Jincheng)
E-mail: syucties@syuct.edu.cn
Wechat ID: zizi19850424 (Mr Yang Bo) sy601085 (Mr Wang Jincheng)
International Education School
Shenyang University of Chemical Technology