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International students in SYUCT general sports meeting

2021年05月06日 21:06  点击:[]





Due to the epidemic prevention measurements, our university couldn’t organize the annual General sports meeting as usual in the beginning of the spring semester in the past academic year. After a long fight against the pandemic, this year the general sports meeting was successfully held on  29th and 30th of April. All the departments and schools in SYUCT

sent their best athletes to compete in this great event.


The college of international education joined the school of foreign languages in the parade. Teachers and students from both departments marched together with the motto “We are

 family”, showing our strong cooperation.



International students and teachers on parade


Despite the fact that most athletes from the international education school are not currently in china, the team showcased an excellent performance. Sibusisiwe from Zimbabwe won first place in preliminary 100 meters female contest and Sani Mera from Nigeria also won for male preliminary 100 meters contest, unfortunately they both missed the finals due to delay on registration time and other technical reasons. During the 200 meters over-all male category Sani Mera won first place. Sibusisiwe, Amal, Ali Hassan and Oliver’s team won first place in 4*400m category.



International students were part of many events, skipping rope, high jump, long jump and sprinting   . We also participate    in    races of    different distance   s    as follow   :    100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 4*100m, 2*200m, 1500m and 10,000m. All the athletes participated accordingly and we also had a great number of attendees that showed up to support and cheer up for
their friends.







Louison, Stenlord Kaizilege and Mohammad Dawood participated in what is considered the most difficult contest which is the 10,000m marathon and Stenlord won 3rd place.




Teaching staffs of the International Education school have also participated in the sports meeting. Cheng Yin joined the long jump and Wang Jincheng participated in 4*100m and 2*200m relay races.







The principal is competing against yourself, it’s about self-improvement, about being better than you were the day before. Some may not have won, but for showing up and

participating you are already a winner, it’s worth die trying than not trying at all.


The sports meeting of this year was a great comeback since 2019 when everything stopped due to covid-19 outbreak, on behalf of SYUCT we say thank you to everyone without forgetting the college of international education department and ISU (International students union).


Photo credits to:  Aliyu Tambuwal (sports officer)



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