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Online Course for Future Students of the SYUCT

2021年03月24日 16:04 杨博 王锦程 点击:[]

Dear students:

On behalf of International Education School of Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, we would like to thank you for your application to our university and cooperation during this special time.

According to the border control policy of Chinese government, new students are not allowed to come to China before further notice from immigration and education departments.

In consideration of the uncertainty of the opening date of Chinese border and strong demanding from the students, our school has decided to postpone the March semester to September intake. For students who are willing to pay the school fees in this semester, the school will offer free Chinese class for them in March semester. If there is any change in border and visa policy, the school will post formal notice as soon as possible.

The students who agree to join in the online course need to register your information by next steps.

Step1 Please send your school fees to university account before Apr. 15.

Step2 Please send us the confirmation email and Bank Receipt to school email address: syucties@syuct.edu.cn

Bank information

Bank Name:  ICBC bank

User Name:  Shenyang University of Chemical Technology

Account Number: 3301 0056 0991 4010 263 (Dollars Account)

                  3301 0056 0926 4011 655 (RMB Account)


For any problems please contact us:

Contact Information:

Contact person and number: 0086-24-89381026 (School Office)  

0086-14702422792 (Mr Yang Bo)  0086-15040311400 (Mr Wang Jincheng)

E-mail: syucties@syuct.edu.cn

Wechat ID: zizi19850424 (Mr Yang Bo)   sy601085 (Mr Wang Jincheng)  

International Education School

Shenyang University of Chemical Technology

上一条:关于2024春季学期来华留学生本科毕业设计(论文)答辩工作安排的通知 下一条:关于做好MK体育官方网站入口疫情防控期间留学生教学工作安排的通知
