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Chinese Government Scholarship

2020年11月30日 11:58  点击:[]

The Chinese government has set up a series of scholarship schemes to sponsor international students and scholars to undertake studies and research in Chinese institutions of higher education.

The Ministry of Education of P. R. China (MOE) is responsible for the provision of Chinese government scholarships, and entrusts China Scholarship Council (CSC) to administer the recruitment of international students and the routine management of Chinese Government Scholarship Programs.

International students under Chinese Government Scholarship Programs will be placed in Chinese institutions of higher education designated by the MOE. There are over 300 subjects in science, technology, agronomy, medicine, economics, law, management, education, history, liberal arts and philosophy available for international students attending these institutions.

We welcome outstanding students, scholars and teachers from all over the world to come to study or undertake research in institutions of higher education in China.

The Chinese Government Scholarship Scheme: Established by the MOE in accordance with educational exchange agreements or MOUs reached by the Chinese government and governments of other countries or international organizations, it provides both full and partial scholarships for international students and scholars. The scheme helps students to study in China as undergraduates, postgraduates, Chinese language students, visiting scholars and senior visiting scholars. Applicants may apply for scholarship through education authorities, designated institutions or Chinese diplomatic missions in their home countries.

I. Scholarship Covering:

1. Full scholarship: A Chinese government full scholarship covers tuition (or research) fees, Medical Insurance for International Students, accommodation, Stipend.

2. Partial scholarship: One or some items of the full scholarship.

3. International air travel: Applicants are expected to meet their own international travel costs unless there are bilateral agreements or arrangements.

II. Application Approach and Recruitment Time

The period for recruiting international student under the Chinese Government Scholarship Program is normally from the beginning of January to the end of April. Details on application procedures are determined by the consultation between Chinese diplomatic missions and the relevant authorities in the applicants' home country. Applicants may contact the relevant authorities or Chinese diplomatic missions in their home countries for details.

III. Scholarship Applications

Applicants should meet the basic qualifications prescribed in the Application Procedures, and must fill in the application forms correctly as required. They also need to provide relevant application documents including notarized photocopies of diplomas, transcripts, study plans, health certificates and recommendation letters. Application documents for scholarships must reach the CSC before the deadline as specified in the Application Procedures via their Embassies in China or Chinese diplomatic missions in the applicants' home country. Application documents which arrive after the deadline will not be accepted. Please refer to the attached Application Procedures for details.

Application documents will not be returned whether the applicants are admitted by Chinese institutions or not. Documents such as original diplomas and original Foreigner Physical Examination Form must NOT be sent as application documents.

IV. Selection of Higher Education Institutions and Specialties

Applicants for Chinese Government Scholarships must choose their host institutions and specialties from the institutions of higher education designated by the Ministry of Education of China. Please check the Directory of Chinese Institutions Admitting International Students under the Chinese Government Scholarship Program or the website of CSC (http://www.csc.edu.cn) for details.

V. Language of Instruction

The Chinese institutions of higher education generally use Chinese as the language of instruction. Applicants with no command of Chinese are generally required to take Chinese language courses for 1-2 years before pursuing their major studies. In some institutions, some courses set for visiting, senior visiting scholars and postgraduate students can be conducted in English. Please refer to Directory of the Chinese Institutions Admitting International Students under Chinese Government Scholarship Program for details.

Setting and Implementation of Scholarship and Subsidy for International Students
in Shenyang University of Chemical Technology

In order to encourage international students to learn Chinese well, to improve the quality of sources of students, and to stimulate the enthusiasm of students’ learning and participating in activities, according to "Shenyang University of Chemical Technology(SYUCT for short) International Students’ Income and Expenditure Management Measures" (SYUCT [2015]No.49) and for the development of international education in SYUCT, we set these measures.

  1. Setting of scholarship and subsidy

1.1 Chinese language scholarship

Chinese language scholarships are offered to international students with high Chinese proficiency.

1.1.1 Scholarship for Being Taught in Chinese Language: if undergraduate or postgraduate students have passed HSK 5 or above when they are admitted, they do not need to learn Chinese language courses. They will be admitted to the Chinese students’ class and learn those courses together with Chinese students. Special teaching schedule can be made for them according to the characteristics of the major they are learning. International students are allowed to graduate with required credits and are awarded degrees in accordance with the Regulations on International Students’ Degrees.

1.1.2 Exemption of Chinese Language courses: If undergraduate or postgraduate students have passed HSK3 when they are admitted, they will be exempted from the first semester Chinese public courses and go to the semester which is above their present semester to learn. International students are allowed to graduate with required credits and are awarded degrees in accordance with the Regulations on International Students’ Degrees.

1.1.3 All the postgraduates and graduates who have passed HSK5 or above can apply for Being Taught in Chinese language Scholarship, and join in the Chinese class and study those courses with Chinese students. They will have 10% discount for tuition fee.

1.2 Admission Scholarship

  Admission Scholarship by Recommendation: The university will select high academic performance students according to the recommendation of the freshmen’ high school and (or) the overseas study agency when they are admitted. The amount of scholarship is one year’s tuition fee.

Postgraduates Admission Scholarships: The University will award outstanding postgraduate freshmen with the postgraduates Admission Scholarship. The amount of scholarship is one year’s tuition fee.

Undergraduates Admission Scholarships: The university will organize an entrance examination for undergraduate freshmen after admission. All undergraduate freshmen are required to participate. Mathematics (for all the undergraduate freshmen), and physics (for science and engineering freshmen) will be tested. Based on the results of the entrance examination and reference to the results of high school and results of interview by scholarship evaluation committee, the university will select undergraduate freshmen for admission scholarship. First prize: 15000 yuan. Second prize: 10000 yuan. Third prize: 5000 yuan.

1.3 Academic Scholarship

Academic scholarships are offered to students who have had outstanding Academic achievements and activity achievements in the previous year.

The university will select undergraduate or postgraduate students who have had outstanding Academic achievements and activity achievements in the previous year for Academic scholarships. First prize: 15000 yuan. Second prize: 10000 yuan. Third prize: 5000 yuan.

1.4 Subsidy

To encourage students to participate in the International Education enrollment, management assistant, teaching assistant, researcher assistant and other related work, we set this Principal Subsidy for international students.

Admission subsidy: we encourage international students to actively recruit students for the university with effective channels and reliable sources: each successful admission of an undergraduate student to our university will be granted 2,500 yuan;

Management assistant subsidy: we encourage students to actively participate in students’ daily management and student-tutor system will be implemented. Outstanding senior students can be the student-tutor, helping teachers to do management assistant work ranging from train-station pick-up to students’ daily management. Subsides will be given based on the workload and contribution.

Publicity subsidy: we encourage students to actively participate in the publicity work of international education. Those who have high Chinese proficiency and good at English writing among the international students can assist teachers to do the update and maintainance work of Web pages, WeChat, microblogging, Facebook and other media. International Education School will give students subsidy according to workload and quality.

  1. Application and Evaluation of Scholarship and Subsidy

We will establish scholarship and subsidy evaluation committee of IES. This committee is responsible for the evaluation of all types of scholarships and subsidies.

All students must apply in advance to obtain the corresponding qualifications for scholarships and subsides. Application forms are shown in the attached table. Students who want to apply for scholarships and subsidies must complete the payment of tuition fees and complete the registration of that semester. After the applicants complete the application form, he can submit the form with necessary materials to IES teachers who are in charge of scholarships and subsidies.

Application and evaluation period for scholarships and subsidies:

Chinese Language Scholarship: Students can apply when they are doing online admission application or 2 weeks before the end of each semester. This scholarship application is examined by the Academic Affairs Office of the International Education School and subsequently arrange students to learn the required courses in the corresponding departments.

Admission Scholarship:

Application Period: when students are doing their online admissioni application, they can apply for admission scholarship. They also need to take part in the entrance examination. If they pass the entrance examination, they are qualified for applying for this scholarship.

Entrance examination period for spring semester: the fourth Saturday of April each year. Mathematics will be tested in the morning, and physics will be tested in the afternoon.

Entrance examination period for autumn semester: the fourth Saturday of October each year. Mathematics will be tested in the morning, and physics will be tested in the afternoon.

Evaluation Period: 2 weeks after the entrance examination and IES will make students known about the results of the entrance examination.

Academic Scholarship

Application Period: Within 2 weeks after each semester starts

Evaluation Period: the spring semester students and autumn semester students will be evaluated once every year. This will be done in early May and early November respectively and also IES will make students known about the results.


Application Period: before October 15 each year

Evaluation Period: this will be evaluated once a year at the beginning of November and IES will make students known about the results.

  1. Payment of scholarship and subsidy

After the scholarship and subsidy publicity period, all the scholarships and subsidies are paid by the university financial department according to the list of students and amount of money provided by the International Education School. The money will be transferred to students’ bank card. The subsidies will be transferred to students’ card once a year with that year’s full payment. Scholarships will be distributed monthly for 10 months. The International Education School will conduct a monthly review of each scholarship recipient according to his academic activities and his participation in school activities. Poor performance students will be disqualified for the remaining scholarship.

These Measures shall be implemented from the autumn of 2016. International Education School has the right of interpretation for these measures.

(Chinese explanation prevails in case of contradiction arising out of the aforementioned contents)

To download application form for applicating scholarship or subsidy, Click here.

上一条:Setting and Implementation of Scholarship and Subsidy for International Students in Shenyang University of Chemical Technology
