2011 届孟加拉籍留学生 MD AHASANUL HABIB, 软件工程专业毕业,现在就职于华晨宝马沈阳公司,从事宝马汽车的研发工作,毕业之后,该生一直努力致力于推动学校与宝马公司的合作,多次介绍多名留学生前往宝马公司实习,对MK体育官方网站入口留学生培养和学生就业做出了很大贡献。
The 2011 Bangladeshi international student MD AHASANUL HABIB, graduated in software engineering, now works at BMW Brilliance Shenyang, engaged in the research and development of BMW cars. After graduation, the student has been working hard to promote the cooperation between the school and BMW. A number of international students went to BMW for internships and made great contributions to the training and employment of our school’s international students.

2015 届巴基斯坦籍留学生 SIDDIQUE MUHAMMAD SUFFIAN,化学工程与工艺专业毕业,现在就职于中国电建山东分公司驻巴基斯坦项目部,主要从事项目研发工作,其入职后凭借其出色的语言能力和专业能力受到了中国企业的好评。
SIDDIQUE MUHAMMAD SUFFIAN, a 2015 Pakistani student, graduated in chemical engineering and technology, now works in the project department of the Shandong branch of China Power Construction in Pakistan. He is mainly engaged in project research and development. His excellent language skills and suburb professional kills are highly praised in the Chinese company.
2014 届巴基斯坦籍优秀毕业生 MUHAMMAD DANISH SOLERI,电气工程及其自动化专业毕业,毕业后自主创业成立了 SOLERI GROUP OF CMOPANIES 公司,主要从事电机销售及研发工作,经常往来于中国和巴基斯坦之间,一直努力推动中巴之间的电机贸易合作。
2014 Pakistani outstanding graduate MUHAMMAD DANISH SOLERI, graduated in electrical engineering and automation. He founded the SOLERI GROUP OF CMOPANIES company after graduation, mainly engaged in motor sales and R&D. He often travels between China and Pakistan and has been working hard to promote motor trade cooperation between China and Pakistan.